Normally, we at The American Tribune are able to stay up to date on Biden’s embarrassing physical incidents, from his collapsing at the Air Force Academy to his various falls and trips on the Air Force One stairs. However, there was one good one from 2023 that we missed: Biden banging his head on Marine One hours after he fell over at the Air Force Academy graduation.
As background, on June 1 of 2023, President Biden tripped and fell when turning to exit the stage after the commencement address. Stumbling, he fell forward onto his hands and right side. He then had to be helped up back onto his feet by a number of attendants on stage: two Secret Service agents and an Airman, with another Secret Service agent hovering in the background.
When the slip occurred, the previously enthusiastic, if not jovial, crowd took in a collective, silent breath and stared, stunned at the President when he fell and struggled to get back on his feet. White House communications director Ben LaBolt tried to explain Biden’s fall on Twitter, saying, “There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands.”
Watch the awkward fall here:
Then, walking up tot he reporters who were waiting to ask him questions, President Biden didn’t address the head bang but did address his keeling over at the Air Force Academy. Referencing the claim that he tripped over a bad of sand on the state, he said, “I got sandbagged.” He then told reporters, as he walked away, “No questions, no.”
Watch the helicopter incident here:
Agreeing with Vigilant Fox, another commenter pointed out the hysteric media response to Trump carefully walking down a ramp, saying, “The MSM screamed for a week, 25th amendment when he walked gingerly down the ramp, and then when he was drinking water out of a glass and used two hands as not to spill it.”
Another commenter on Benny’s post argued that it is crazy the Democrats are trying to push another four years of President Biden on the American people given his obvious infirmities, saying, “The real insult is the Democrats trying to pass him off on the American people for another four years. They won’t allow him to do any debates b/c it will show too clearly how he’s not operating at full capacity. He’s fallen enough times for the Democrat party to say ENOUGH!”