Prince Harry and Meghan Markle recently shared a new photo of their children, Archie and Lilibet, as part of their holiday card. The image shows the children walking towards their parents, who are smiling with open arms. Fans were excited to see how much Archie and Lilibet have grown, especially noting their red hair.
However, the photo quickly sparked online speculation. Some users claimed it had been manipulated, pointing out supposed “digitally altered outlines” and suggesting that elements, such as the dogs, were “superimposed.” Critics also commented on the photo’s lighting and Meghan’s appearance, claiming it looked “staged” or overly polished.
Experts have stated it’s difficult to determine if the photo was edited due to its small size. Some believe the image was retouched, which is common for holiday cards, but no clear evidence of manipulation has been found.
Despite the controversy, Harry and Meghan continue to limit the number of public photos of their children, focusing on protecting their privacy and security.