In the quaint town of Tellico, Tennessee, stands a structure that whispers tales of a bygone era—the Tellico Round House. Built in 1920 as a slate quarry by Tennessee Rock Products, this…
Category: News
Everyone laughed at this man’s house until they walked inside
There is a tale behind every house, and first impressions aren’t always accurate.Envision yourself amusedly passing a house the size of a big cart, only to find that it has every convenience…
Fall French Square Nails: 17 Stunning Ideas for a Chic Look
1. Autumn Leaves Embrace the essence of fall with this design featuring a warm taupe base and a delicate French tip in burnt orange. Adorn your nails with tiny hand-painted autumn leaves…
Stay Stylish: Nail Color Designs Trending Every Season for a Fresh Look
Your nails serve as an expression of your individuality and taste. They act as a blank canvas, ready to showcase your unique creativity and flair. Every season brings with it a new…
Abandoned House Of Treasures
I Explored This Abandoned House Of Treasures In March Of 2014 After A Friend Had Given Me The Coordinates And Intel Needed To Access The House. I Knew This House Was Special…
Creepiest Abandoned Mansions
Odd Fellows Home Location: Liberty, Missouri This mansion was built for the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, founded in 1819, as a central hub for the organization in Missouri. The fraternal organization resembled…
10 High Protein Foods
Getting enough protein daily is essential for your overall health. Healthy protein sources include eggs, nuts, lean meats, fish, dairy, and certain grains. Proteins are a large category of molecules that support…
Italian Love Cake
Consider trying out this Italian love cake! It is a sweet ricotta base, chocolate cake, and then topped with a rich chocolate pudding frosting. A luscious and melt-in-your-mouth cake this love cake…
Tips and Tricks To Get the Most Out of Your Chillhouse Nails
Press-on nails have had one of the most impressive glow-ups in recent years. We’ve swapped the old unreliable drugstore stick-ons that popped off minutes after application only to leave your nails damaged…
Fluffy Japanese Soufflé Pancakes
Ingredients you will need How to make these jiggly Japanese soufflé pancakes Make the soufflé pancake batter: 1. Separate the egg whites and egg yolks into separate mixing bowl. Make sure to…